Season’s greetings from President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" Petro Kotin

The most exhausting and most challenging of all the passing years has come to an end. After all, it was the year that the terrible February 24 happened, which divided our lives into "before" and "after". A year during which both Ukraine and Ukrainians suffered irreparable losses and many calamities. A year when we once again had to fight for our freedom – this time in blood, defeating the aggressor on the battlefield.

Another terrible date in 2022 was March 3, when the ruscists seized our "atomic pearl" – the Zaporizhzhya NPP, the largest and most powerful power plant in Europe. And until now, this is our pain and sorrow, but at the same time, it is a mega-challenge and an overriding goal – to liberate the power plant from the occupiers, to free our courageous nuclear workers, who, despite terrible pressure and threats, did not betray either Ukraine or the Ukrainian Energoatom. People are our most valuable treasure!

Therefore, with pain for what was lost and gratitude for what was gained, we will say goodbye to the old year and take a step into the new one, 2023. We believe: it will finally bring the desired Victory, all those who are awaited will return from everywhere, families will be reunited, and businesses will be restored...

I wish all of us cloudless skies above our heads, peace and quiet, good health, optimism and joy, well-being in the country and families! And Energoatom will go above and beyond to ensure that all nuclear power units on the Ukraine-controlled territory operate at maximum capacity to provide Ukrainians with light and heat.

May all wishes and dreams come true, plans implement, and the boldest undertakings turn into reality in the coming year!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!