Our mission is safe electricity generation for energy security, energy independence, sustainable development of the economy, and a carbon-free energy future for Ukraine.

State Enterprise «National Nuclear Energy Generating Company «Energoatom» is the largest power producer in Ukraine

The company operates four nuclear power plants — Zaporizhzhya, Rivne, South Ukraine, and Khmelnytskyy , with a total of 15 units (13 VVER-1000 units and 2 VVER-440 units) with a total installed capacity of 13,835 MW. The company also includes Tashlyk HPSPP (453 MW), Olexandrivska HPP (25 MW) and Centralized Spent Fuel Storage Facility located in the Chornobyl Zone.

SE «NNEGC «ENERGOATOM» includes 12 separated subdivisions that provide scientific, design-engineering and production base, improve the quality and efficiency of meeting the needs of operation and repairs, significantly reduce dependence on contractors and to a large extent solve the issue of import substitution.

  • SS «Atomremontservice»

  • SS «Atomenergomash»

  • SS «Centralized purchasing»

  • SS «Atomprojectengineering»

  • SS «Emergency Technical Center»

  • SS «Scientific &Technical Center»

  • SS «Warehouse»

  • SS «DO «Atomprylad»

  • SS «Automation & Mechanical Engineering»

  • SS «Energoatom-Trading»

  • SS «Administrative Department»

  • SS «Donuzlavska WPP» (located in the temporarily occupied territory)

SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» was set up in 1996 under the Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On the establishment of the National Nuclear Energy Generating Company "Energoatom" of 17.10.1996 No. 1268 on the basis of the property and infrastructures of nuclear power plants – Zaporizhzhya NPP, Rivne NPP, South Ukraine NPP, Khmelnytskyy NPP and Chornobyl NPP.

SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» is the basis of energy security and energy independence of the country


Energoatom forms about 4% of the national GDP and ranks 1st by electricity generation


Energoatom provides about 55% of Ukraine's electricity needs, in the autumn-winter period this figure rises to 70%


Energoatom ranks 7th by nuclear production, it is among the 5 world's largest NPP operators