ZNPP occupation for over 20 months is a gross violation of the "peaceful atom" technology by russia

This was stated by Petro Kotin, President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom", during his speech at a panel discussion within the framework of the World Nuclear Exhibition 2023 which is currently being held in Paris.

Petro Kotin stressed that the seizure of Europe's largest nuclear power plant – the Zaporizhzhia NPP – by the russian military and the occupation of Ukrainian personnel for over 20 months is unacceptable.

In his speech to the nuclear industry leaders, Energoatom President also raised the issue of imposing sanctions against rosatom.

"Being a part of the occupation forces, rosatom remains one of the few russian state-owned companies that have not yet been subject to international sanctions. Currently, despite the grave crimes in Ukraine, the Atomic Energy Corporation continues to supply nuclear fuel and uranium concentrate, build new NPPs and maintain operating ones abroad, thereby constantly receiving new tranches of millions of euros from Western companies," Petro Kotin drew the attention of the panelists.

He reminded that for russia, energy supply has always been a tool of political and economic influence on other countries.

"Ukraine is an excellent example that proves that complete refusal of russian nuclear fuel supply is possible. The process of diversification of nuclear fuel supplies did not start immediately. It was a long and gradual process that was accelerated by the war. In the end, this led to the decision of NNEGC "Energoatom" to stop any purchases of nuclear fuel from the aggressor," said President of the Company.

At that time, Westinghouse fuel was already partially used at Ukrainian NPPs.