Energoatom keeps working on corporatization under the transformation plan approved by the Government

Since March 2023, when the Law of Ukraine "On the joint-stock company "National Nuclear Energy Generating Company "Energoatom" was adopted, a huge amount of work has been done.

"The process of corporatization of such a large enterprise is complex and requires taking measures and making decisions: at the level of the Government as the governing body and the founder, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, which has been delegated the relevant powers, and at the level of the company itself," Energoatom Vice President Hartmut Jacob stressed.

The following decisions taken by the Government became significant steps on the way to the Company’s corporatization:

  • on reorganization of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" by transforming it into a joint-stock company, 100 per cent of the shares in the authorized capital of which will be owned by the state, and the setting up of a reorganization commission;
  • on delegating to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine the authority to make a decision on the selection of the valuer;
  • on approval of the plan for the transformation of the state enterprise "NNEGC "Energoatom" into JSC, 100 per cent of the shares of which will be owned by the state.

In turn, the Company does its best to ensure that the corporatization process moves in accordance with the deadlines set by the Government, in particular:

  • Energoatom held an auction and selected Argument Appraisal Company LLC, which will value the non-current assets of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" for the formation of the authorized capital of the joint-stock company;
  • the Company's structural units were instructed by the Company's President to ensure conducting corporatization within the terms set by the transformation plan;
  • the company carried out a property inventory as of March 31, 2023, while the consolidated act of property inventory and the list of non-current assets subject to independent evaluation were endorsed by the reorganization commission and approved by the order of the Ministry of Economy;
  • valuation of precious metals was carried out and the relevant opinion of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine was obtained;
  • the company provided the valuer with the initial data for the assessment and a list of non-current assets to be independently appraised.

The appraisal object included more than 118,000 units of non-current assets accounted for in separated subdivisions of the Company (excluding objects located in the temporarily occupied territory).

Currently, the majority of social infrastructure facilities, as well as health care centers, recreation centers, sports complexes, cultural centers, etc., are expected to be included in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company (and this is a feature of the Company's corporatization) and will continue to provide services for recovery, rehabilitation, and provision of the Company's employees with appropriate housing);

  • the Company prepared and sent to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine drafts of the JSC Charter and provisions on the company's management bodies;
  • every two weeks, the Company holds meetings of the working group on corporatization under the chairmanship of the Vice President, at which current issues of the course of corporatization of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" are discussed.

Furthermore, through the efforts of the working group on corporatization, outreach work was organized among the Company's personnel to improve understanding of the processes. Thus, Deloitte & Touche, the corporatization consultant chosen by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, conducted several training seminars for managers of structural and separated subdivisions, aimed at preparing staff for the Company's new working conditions.

"Currently, work on corporatization is underway at Energoatom in accordance with the transformation plan approved by the Government. After the completion of all processes and the creation of a Supervisory Committee and a board in a joint-stock company, NNEGC will serve as the best example of corporatization in Ukraine," Hartmut Jacob assured.