Energoatom guarantees additional bonuses to all nuclear workers of Zaporizhzhya NPP – patriots of Ukraine

The decision to pay additional bonuses to employees of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya NPP in the amount of 50% of the official salary/tariff rate since January 1, 2023 (prior to that, from April 2022 it was set for 20%) was adopted by the management of the SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» jointly with the Company’s primary trade union organization.

Such payments will be received by those nuclear workers who, in the difficult conditions of the occupation, remain loyal to Ukraine and the Ukrainian Energoatom and, despite the pressure of the occupationists, heroically ensured the operation of the ZNPP – the largest nuclear facility in Europe.

The accrual and one-off payment of this additional monetary reward is expected immediately after the de-occupation of the town of Energodar and the complete liberation of the Zaporizhzhya NPP from the russian occupationists. The source of funding will be the expense reserve within the approved planned salary fund and the budget of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» for 2023.

Please be reminded that all power plant employees who did not sign a contract with the fake JSC «Operating Organization of Zaporizhzhya NPP» or another Rosatom enterprise will receive all the payments promised by the Company, even if the invaders kept them out of performing their duties because of this. In particular, it is about salaries, annual performance awards for 2022, as well as bonuses for Power Engineer’s Day.

Once again, we urge you not to sign any contracts with the enemy in order not to become direct accomplices of the aggressor and not to destroy your own future!

Ukraine stands with you. Energoatom stands with you. We are in this together!