IAEA General Conference adopted resolution on immediate return of Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant under full control of Ukraine

During the 67th session of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 69 countries supported the resolution on nuclear safety in Ukraine put forward by Canada, Finland, and Costa Rica. Six delegates voted against it, and another 33 — abstained from voting.

Among other things, the resolution calls on the russian federation to immediately withdraw all military and other unauthorized personnel from the ZNPP and return the power plant to the full control of the competent authorities of Ukraine under the existing license issued by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU), to ensure the safe and secure operation of the plant – for that the Agency carries out effective and efficient implementation of security guarantees in accordance with the Agreement of Ukraine on Comprehensive Guarantees and the Additional Protocol.

"We are grateful to our partners, each country for their vote in support of compliance with guarantees of nuclear and radiation safety. The election of Ukraine to the IAEA Board of Governors, as well as the adoption of a resolution calling for the return of our ZNPP to the control of Ukraine, is proof that the civilized world is standing with us," Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko said.

President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" Petro Kotin reminded that it was the actions of the russian federation that led to the unprecedented nuclear and radiation blackmail of the entire European continent.

"Before the beginning of the full-fledged invasion of russia on the territory of Ukraine, our Company was working safely and reliably with all 15 power units, providing the state with electricity. In general, the ZNPP has been operating for more than 30 years without any violations. The occupation by the ruscists led to the violation of all safety standards at the ZNPP and the threat to the entire world of a nuclear and radiation disaster. Only the return of the power plant to the full sovereign control of Ukraine and the legitimate operator — Energoatom — will ensure the renewal of the ZNPP safety conditions. We welcome and thank our partners for supporting this resolution," he said.

As a reminder, on September 28, 2023, at the session of the IAEA General Conference, Ukraine was elected to the Agency’s Board of Governors.