Energoatom is deploying employment programs for ZNPP employees

Support for Ukrainian nuclear employees of Zaporizhzhia NPP, the largest in Europe, is one of the priority tasks of JSC “NNEGC “Energoatom”. Currently, the Company is actively employing ZNNP specialists at other national plants, branches of separate divisions and the Directorates of Energoatom.

Since the beginning of martial law, 539 ZNPP specialists have been employed in other positions within the Energoatom family. Moreover, the employment registration process for 259 other candidates is going on. In addition, 710 persons work on business trips and on a traveling basis. 2,177 employees of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, who remain in the temporarily occupied territories, have been transferred to forced downtime with increased pay, in the amount of one position salary.

“Energoatom gives priority in employment to vacant positions precisely to the employees of the temporarily occupied ZNPP who have not betrayed either Ukraine or their own beliefs. We understand how important it is now to support each other and work together until our Victory and the liberation of the largest nuclear facility of Europe,” Petro Kotin, head of Energoatom, emphasized.

According to him, the employment of the Zaporizhzhia NPP specialists in other branches of Energoatom not only helps not to lose nuclear employees with unique work experience, but also provides an opportunity to ensure the exchange of knowledge. At the same time, Energoatom has made a decision on the early payment of an additional bonus for work in conditions of occupation to the ZNPP employees who are employed within the Company. Moreover, Energoatom will build new power units at the Khmelnytsky NPP. This process will require involvement of qualified specialists of the ZNPP.

“We highly appreciate our specialists who worked for the Zaporizhzhia NPP, which, unfortunately, is temporarily occupied by the ruscists. Today, the contribution of the Zaporizhzhia NPP employees and their selfless work will make it possible to preserve the stable operation of existing power units and to develop and strengthen Ukrainian nuclear generation,” head of NNEGC stressed.

Energoatom invites ZNPP employees who are still in the period of forced downtime to apply for employment to the central office in Kyiv, or to a specially created call-center for advisory assistance to Energoatom employees who are in the temporarily occupied territories or have left them:

(044) 277 78 13

(050) 364 97 59 (in all messengers)

[email protected]