Overhead line cut-off caused changes in ZNPP operation

Today, August 25, 2022, due to fires at the Zaporizhzhya TPP ash dumps, located next to the Zaporizhzhya NPP, the last (fourth) transmission line connecting the ZNPP with the power system of Ukraine – OHL-750 kV ZNPP – "Dniprovska" – was cut-off twice. Three other transmission lines were damaged during russian shelling earlier.

As a result, two operating units of the power plant were disconnected from the grid. Thus, the actions of the invaders caused a complete disconnection of the ZNPP from the power grid – for the first time in the history of the plant.

The NPP's in-house power needs are currently provided by the power system of Ukraine through the ZNPP – Zaporizhzhya TPP transmission line.

There are currently no comments on the operation of automation and safety systems. Start-up operations are underway to connect one of the power units to the grid.