On the Independence Day of Ukraine, Energoatom congratulates all Ukrainians on the holiday

Congratulations from Energoatom CEO Petro Kotin and nuclear workers on the Independence Day of Ukraine

Today, our country celebrates the main national holiday – the Independence Day of Ukraine. Three decades ago, Ukrainians made their choice in favor of sovereignty and democracy. On this path, our people has gone through many trials and have always been irresistible in their aspirations. Unfortunately, we welcome the 33rd year of Ukraine’s Independence to the sound of alarms.

Ukraine continues fighting for freedom and independence, and the persistent struggle continues. Every Ukrainian knows the price of our independence. It is too high. It covers lives of our military, civilians, children, destroyed cities, terrible memories...

We bow our heads down before those who have died in this struggle and before those who continue to defend our Motherland!

We are infinitely grateful and express respect to our heroes!

We would like to wish everyone unbending belief in the happy fate of Ukraine!

Peace and all the best to every Ukrainian!

Glory to Ukraine and its Heroes!