820 employees of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» defend Ukraine in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Amid the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, Energoatom employees do more than just hold the energy front with dignity and work in conditions of enemy occupation. 820 nuclear workers of the Company also joined the defense of the country against the russian invaders directly at the frontline.

Until February 24, each of them had an ordinary peaceful life but the brutal russian attack forced them to take up arms so that Ukrainians would have the right to a future in a free, unconquered and successful state.

Thanks to our heroes, we have been repulsing the enemy for 11 months in a row. Without exaggeration, the whole world admires the courage and tenacity of Ukrainians. Energoatom is infinitely proud of each soldier. Take care and come back home. We are waiting for you!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to our heroes!