According to sociological survey, 87% of Enerhodar residents are ranged against Zaporizhzhya region seceding from Ukraine and acceding to russia while 7% are undecided

On September 19-22, 2022, the Center for Sociological Research of Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyy, at the request of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom», surveyed the public opinion of residents of the city of Enerhodar, Zaporizhzhya region, which has been under russian occupation for the seventh consecutive month.

The survey was organized and conducted in russian using the CATI method (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing), the sample is representative of the adult population of Enerhodar (aged 18 and older) by gender and age. 1160 respondents were interviewed. The theoretical error of the study does not exceed 2% while the confidence probability is 95%.

During the survey, respondents answered two questions:

  • whether they plan to take part in the so-called "referendum of the Zaporizhzhya region" and vote on the issue of joining russia as a subject of the russian federation;
  • whether they support the seceding Zaporizhzhya region from Ukraine and its acceding to russia as a subject of the russian federation.

According to the research findings, 74% of Enerhodar residents living in the temporarily occupied territory do not plan to participate in voting in the referendum, 16% are ready to visit polling stations personally in case they are created while 10% are undecided.

When asked the second question, 87% of respondents spoke out against Zaporizhzhya region seceding from Ukraine and acceding to russia, 6% – for seceding from Ukraine and acceding to russia, 7% are undecided.

Over seven months of war and occupation of Enerhodar, the local residents who did not leave the city stand up strongly against the occupation authorities and acceding to russia. The findings of opinion polls published by the russian propaganda media are as false, fake and far from reality as the pseudo-referendum results, pre-planned in moscow and sent to the places.