ruscists are moving ZNPP power unit 5 to a «cold shutdown» state

After a primary-to-secondary reagent leak incident at the ZNPP power unit 5, the fake management of the temporarily occupied power plant decided to transfer the unit from «hot» to the safest – «cold shutdown» state.

«The invaders themselves bring the situation to a dangerous level, and then heroically try to remedy it. Violation of the license for the operating of the power unit results in critical problems, because the actions of incompetent personnel combined with deliberate overloading of systems and equipment leads to their further degradation,» said Petro Kotin, President of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom».

The occupationists keep the ZNPP power unit 4 in a «hot shutdown» state to provide heating and steam for the power plant's in-house needs. It is also a direct violation, given according to the amendments made by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine to the licenses in the summer of this year, all units of the Zaporizhzhia NPP should be in a «cold shutdown» state.

  • Since 2020, the Company has not made any purchases of russian fuel.
  • In September 2020, with the participation of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a contract was concluded between Energoatom and Westinghouse for the supply of fuel assemblies for VVER-440 reactors.
  • In September 2023, the fuel manufactured by Westinghouse involving Energoatom specialists was successfully loaded into the domestic reactor (although the fuel was to be manufactured only in 2024).

The only way to stop the nuclear and radiation threat is to de-occupy the ZNPP and its satellite town of Enerhodar as soon as possible and to return control over Europe's largest nuclear facility to its legitimate operator – Energoatom!

As a reminder, several emergencies have already occurred at the Zaporizhzhia NPP due to violation of license terms by the occupationists, the latest of which was on November 14, 2023. A partial blackout occurred due to the incompetence of the russian invaders and employees of rosatom state corporation. ZNPP power unit 6 equipment was left without power, so the diesel generators and safety systems started operating. The power unit remained in this mode for 90 minutes...

Earlier, a danger was recorded at power unit 4. Due to its warming up, a primary-to-secondary radioactive coolant (water) leak occurred, which is a violation of one of the barriers on the path of the spread of radioactive contamination.

A similar situation occurred while attempting to «warm up» power unit 6. Additionally, the dumb decision of the current «management» of the power plant to move it to a «hot shutdown» state caused a significant increase in liquid radioactive waste on the power plant site, which is potentially harmful to personnel, the general public and the environment.