Another blackout at ZNPP: for the seventh time, the russian occupationists jeopardize the nuclear and radiation safety of the entire world

Due to a senseless terrorist shelling by ruscists in the morning of May 22, at 5:26 am, the last 750kV Dniprovska high-voltage transmission line, from which the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya NPP was powered for its in-house needs, was disconnected.

Already for the seventh time since the beginning of the occupation of the Ukrainian power plant by ruscist terrorists (March 4, 2022), ZNPP is going into blackout mode.

After the loss of external power, which is vitally necessary to ensure the operation of the nuclear fuel cooling pumps in the fuel pools and nuclear reactors of the power units, all NPP diesel generators started operating automatically. There is 10 days’ fuel stock left for their operation. The countdown has begun.

The continued occupation of ZNPP by russia, the rule over it by an illegitimate, untrained ruscist leadership that does not bear any responsibility for the nuclear and radiation safety of the facility, is constantly bringing the ZNPP closer to irreparable.

For this reason, ZNPP should be immediately brought back under the full control of its legal operator – NNEGC «Energoatom», followed by bringing the power plant to normal operating mode as well as restoration of the facility's nuclear and radiation safety.

Currently, urgent actions from the entire international community are needed for this!

russia's nuclear terrorism should be stopped immediately, while the invaders must withdraw from the territory of the power plant and its satellite town of Enerhodar!