Strategic partnership between Energoatom and Urenco is strengthening Ukraine’s energy security

Growing demand for development of new power units in Europe as well as importance of rejection of russian nuclear urge to implement a new global strategy for diversification of fuel supplies. In order to achieve this goal, European governments and national companies have been working together to ensure the energy independence of their countries.

Ukraine is among the pioneering pathfinders in this regard, and Energoatom as the operator of all running domestic nuclear power plants takes care of «nuclear» independence. Strategic international partners of Energoatom, in particular, the international company Urenco, has been supporting the Company in such efforts.

Thus, Urenco will supply Energoatom with the enriched uranium for fabrication of nuclear fuel. The contract will be effective until 2035, with an option to extend it until 2043. The enriched uranium provided by Urenco shall be used for fabrication of fuel based on the technology of Westinghouse, another partner of Energoatom.

«The energy dependence on russia is the hook on which the russian federation put several countries around the world, including the nuclear sector. This dependence is finally collapsing! I am glad that Ukraine made bold to pave the way toward rejection of russian fuel. However, joint efforts are required for the final crash of the russian federation in this market» said President of SE NNEGC «Energoatom» Petro Kotin.

He also added that Energoatom would be provided with stable enriched uranium supplies for the decades ahead.

«We have provided support to our customer Energoatom, and its employees, and increased our supply of nuclear enrichment services to them to help enable energy independence and security of supply. This latest agreement will continue our productive working relationship» Chief Executive Officer of Urenco, Boris Schucht said.

As a reminder, the international company Urenco will continue helping Ukraine to produce electricity. Energoatom proceeds with negotiations with its strategic partner to renew the previously concluded agreements for the supply of enriched uranium product (EUP) and natural uranium hexafluoride (UF6)