National network of electric vehicle charging stations to be set up in Ukraine

A national network of electric vehicle charging stations will be set up in Ukraine. The first step in the project implementation was the signing on June 17, 2022 of the Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation between SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» and JSB Ukrgasbank.

Under the memorandum, the parties agreed to start joint implementation of the project using the financial capabilities of Ukrgasbank and the production and technical potential of Energoatom as the largest power producer in Ukraine.

«Today, another important step has been taken to develop the infrastructure of electric transport and create a national network of charging stations in Ukraine as well as sources of funding have been identified for the development of this network throughout the country,» the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko said during the signing of the document.

According to him, the implementation of this project also contributes to Ukraine's fulfillment of international obligations on decarbonisation: «We are accelerating the achievement of carbon neutrality of Ukraine's economy as well as reducing environmental pollution.»

In turn, the President of NNEGC «Energoatom» Petro Kotin stressed upon the importance of this project for the Company’s development: «Currently, Energoatom has significant reserve capacitance for the production of low-priced and clean electricity, which can also be supplied to new segments of the domestic market, meet the growing needs of domestic road transport carriers in affordable electricity, fast and comfortable charging of electric cars in any part of Ukraine. For Energoatom, it is also an entry into the retail market of electricity sales, which will significantly increase the Company’s capitalization.»

According to Denys Chernyshov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ukrgasbank, financing projects related to energy efficiency and reducing the negative impact on the environment have been and remain one of the priority areas of the bank’s activity.

«This project is crucial, both in terms of development of electric transport infrastructure and in the context of ensuring fuel security of the state through the introduction of innovative technologies and minimizing environmental damage. We are implementing a truly large-scale project, which we see as one of the first signs on the path of innovative transformation of Ukraine’s transport infrastructure to European environmental standards. Especially given that nuclear power is a low-carbon energy source that plays a key role in preventing CO2 emissions,» Denys Chernyshov highlighted.

Through joint efforts, the largest Ukrainian companies – Energoatom and Ukrgasbank – are developing Ukraine’s power potential, using all available resources and opportunities. The construction of a national network of electric vehicle charging stations brings us one step closer to global norms and standards.

For reference: In 2021, Ukrainians bought 8.5 thousand electric cars that is about 20% more than in 2020. Nevertheless, in April-May 2022 the demand for electric cars in Ukraine increased 15 (!) times. Fuel shortages and rising fuel prices caused by the war and the destruction of oil refining infrastructure have encouraged many to look at these cars differently. Currently, charging «from the socket» is much cheaper than gasoline, diesel or gas.

As of June 1, 2022, 36,602 electric cars were registered in Ukraine, and the monthly increase in the fleet of electric cars is about 800 cars. This number will grow rapidly due to both oil prices and the general trend for environmental friendliness.