Energoatom and Urenco discussed the financing of Enriched Uranium Product Supply

On March 20, 2023 in London, Petro Kotin President of Energoatom and Boris Schucht CEO of Urenco discussed the financing of Enriched Uranium Product supply under the contract between Energoatom and Urenco.

«Supply of Enriched Uranium Product is an extremely important aspect for operation of Ukrainian NPPs, especially under the conditions when russia is constantly shelling energy infrastructure facilities. In turn, Energoatom plans to further develop cooperation with our partners – Urenco, considering previous successful experience of cooperation between the companies», Petro Kotin said.

As a reminder, on August 1, 2019, Energoatom and Urenco signed an agreement on the supply of enriched uranium. In April 2022, the next stage of negotiations between the companies took place against the background of Ukraine's complete rejection of russian nuclear fuel.