How Energoatom’s corporatization will affect Company’s governance

Energoatom is consistently among the TOP-5 energy companies in Ukraine – with the best financial indicators and business reputation.

This testifies to the correctly chosen development strategy and effective management of the Company even in the conditions of martial law. However, time demands further development, quick response to today's challenges and achievement of new ambitious goals.

"The corporatization of the company, which began with the adoption of the relevant law, is intended to make Energoatom a model of modern corporate governance due to improving access to capital, and therefore the outcome of the activity," Energoatom’s Vice President Hartmut Jacob stressed.

In addition to the Company's leadership, members of the Supervisory Committee will work on updating and improving the development strategy of Energoatom as well. It will include top managers with international experience.

Thus, the transformation of Energoatom into a joint-stock company will improve the confidence of external investors in the Company and strengthen the image of Ukraine in the international arena.

As President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" Petro Kotin noted: "Due to corporatization, the effectiveness of investments will increase significantly. The transformation will also contribute to the development of the Ukrainian nuclear industry and strengthen Ukraine's energy independence."