A plant-wide emergency exercise conducted at Energoatom

On November 15-16, 2023, one of the domestic NPPs, together with the Head Office of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" and the Company’s separated subdivisions, conducted a plant-wide emergency exercise.

Such training is held at domestic NPPs annually. It is also crucial in wartime conditions, especially during the autumn-winter period when the smooth operation of NPPs is a guarantee of light and heat in the homes of Ukrainians.

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy, the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health and the State Emergency Service were present directly in the Crisis Center of NNEGC as observers.

Representatives of the IAEA special monitoring mission, present at the power plant, oversaw the course of the exercise as well. The experts of the mission expressed gratitude for the opportunity given to them, stressing the extraordinary professionalism of the Company’s nuclear workers and the coordinated work of all the event attendees.

At the final meeting, it was noted that all training participants performed their work responsibly and conscientiously as well as fully coped with the assigned tasks. Meanwhile, the observers announced their recommendations, which will be taken into account for further improvement of the emergency preparedness system and response to any emergencies at nuclear power plants of Ukraine.

Safety comes first!