The first-year students of nuclear sector, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, demonstrate a high level of motivation

Energoatom has strong partnerships with a number of specialized higher education institutions. In particular, with National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute confidently holds the leadership in terms of the number of students of “nuclear” and other energy specialties. The Scientific and Educational Institute of Nuclear and Thermal Power train future specialists for the nuclear industry. Kyiv Polytechnic Institute also has a number of other specialties related to power at various faculties, for which more than 600 entrants were accepted this year. Therefore, 230 first-year students are already studying in the specialty No. 141 “Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics” alone.

The 2024 admissions process for power specialty students at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is considered successful. 54 students have been admitted for the 1st year (first bachelor's qualification level) in specialty No. 143 “Nuclear power engineering”. There are two full-fledged educational groups.

The Educational and Scientific Institute of Nuclear and Thermal Energy stresses that a feature of the 2024 admissions process is the high motivational level of applicants. More than 90% of all intending students received recommendations for state-ordered places under the first priority, that is, they entered the desired specialty. Obviously, the awareness of the choice and the firmness of the decision of the big majority of intending students.

In general, the preliminary results of the admission process indicate an active interest in educational programs related to the power industry.

We remind you that Energoatom has ambitious plans to increase generating facilities, so it needs highly qualified specialists. The company supports promising young personnel in every possible way, and pays stipend to the best students.