One more Energoatom's VVER-1000 power unit brought back into operation after scheduled maintenance

On July 17, 2023, Energoatom’s power unit (with a capacity of 1,000 MW) was reconnected to the power grid. The capacity is being ramped up.

The planned maintenance of the unit began on May 16 and was completed three days ahead of schedule. Thus, the unified power system of Ukraine was strengthened by 1000 MW of electricity.

"In the energy sector, the most extensive repair campaign over the whole period of independence is underway. Despite the challenges posed to Ukraine's power system by russian military aggression, nuclear power professionals will do their utmost to prepare in time and in full for the next heating season. A huge gratitude to all the workers of the energy industry, who are carrying out the repair campaign ahead of schedule," Minister of Energy Herman Halushchenko said.

Energoatom’s President Petro Kotin stressed that nuclear workers are conscientiously fulfilling the assigned tasks of providing Ukrainians with electricity amid russian attacks.

"Repairs are also being carried out at several other Ukrainian power units," he noted. "I hope that these works will also be completed ahead of schedule. Furthermore, before the heating season starts, three more nuclear units are waiting for scheduled maintenance, so that we enter the autumn-winter period at full available capacity."

Thus, during the repair works, refueling and intermediate maintenance of the reactor, turbine and generator were carried out. The essential equipment of the reactor and turbine installations was also refurbished.

A set of measures regarding the transition to Westinghouse fuel and scheduled repairs of all safety systems and auxiliary equipment were carried out as well.

In turn, People's Deputy of Ukraine Anatoliy Kostyukh, chairman of the VRU subcommittee on nuclear energy and nuclear safety of the Committee on Energy and Housing, thanked all nuclear workers, in particular, the specialists of Energoatom, who helped Ukraine get through the last extremely difficult winter and under any conditions and circumstances continue to maintain the national power system.

As a reminder, six VVER-1000 power units (with a total capacity of 6,000 MW) of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant are currently not in operation, all of them are in a shutdown state.