President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" Petro Kotin featured at the presentation of the first volume of the book "Voices of Ukraine"

In Vienna, a project was presented on which the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) worked to convey to the world how Ukraine is affected by the predatory war unleashed by russia, as well as what risks entail attacks on nuclear generation.

Petro Kotin expressed his gratitude to WINS Executive Director Lars van Dassen for drawing the attention of the entire world community to the threats to which the russian federation exposes the energy infrastructure of Ukraine and beyond, as well as to the dangers that jeopardize nuclear facilities in particular, let alone the occupation of the largest in Europe Zaporizhzhya NPP.

"For the first time in history, an aggressor used a nuclear power plant for terror, turning it into a military base where military equipment, ammunition and armed troops are deployed. In such conditions, under the intense pressure of the occupationists, Ukrainian nuclear power professionals have been working for the second year. And only due to their skilled actions, it is still possible to prevent the worst – a nuclear and radiation catastrophe," President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" stressed in his online video message.

He assured that the day would surely come when our Ukrainian flag would fly again over the Zaporizhzhya NPP. "We are doing and will do everything for this. You also make a significant contribution to this. Thank you!"