Westinghouse and Energoatom strengthen nuclear safety in Ukraine with cooling systems upgrades at VVER-440 reactors

The companies have signed a contract to design, manufacture and supply Long-Term Containment Cooling Systems for the modernization of the power units of one of the domestic NPPs.

Upon Energoatom’s request, Westinghouse for the first time developed a Long-Term Containment Cooling System. It became a real technological breakthrough and will significantly enhance the safety of Soviet-made VVER-440 reactor units.

In case of an accident, the specified system ensures the long-term maintenance of the core in a safe state, so its installation will positively affect the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine and provide additional protection for reactor installations.

“This contract is part of our commitment to helping Ukraine secure a reliable, safe energy future,” said Dan Sumner, President of Westinghouse Operating Plant Services. “Safety upgrades like the Long-Term Containment Cooling systems will improve the safety of Energoatom’s VVER-440 reactors for decades to come.”

And President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" Petro Kotin, by highlighting the importance of implementing a new cooling system, stressed that "after its installation, two Ukrainian VVER-440 will be the safest reactors of this type in the world. The shortcomings of the Soviet project are being eliminated, so the safety of Ukraine's nuclear facilities reaches a new level."

For reference: Westinghouse is a long-term reliable partner of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom". The companies concluded an agreement on the construction of nine new power units in Ukraine using AP1000 technology.