Energoatom has initiated legal proceedings against Russia to recover damages caused by military aggression

Energoatom, with the support of leading international legal advisers, in March 2023 handed the Russian Federation a notice of dispute in accordance with Article 9(1) of the Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Russian Federation of 1998 on the promotion and mutual protection of investments, in connection with the expropriation of Energoatom's assets as a result of military aggression against Ukraine.

It is about compensation for damages in the amount of more than 3 billion US dollars caused by Russia in connection with the expropriation of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and other assets located in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Currently, the Company is carrying out appropriate organizational and legal procedures for consideration of the relevant dispute in international arbitration.

It should be noted that a similar note was sent to Russia in 2021 in connection with the expropriation of Energoatom's assets in Crimea.