The last Energoatom 1,000 MW power unit is connected to the grid

Today, December 13, 2022, at 01:09 am, the last Energoatom 1,000 MW power unit was connected to the power grid. The capacity is being ramped up. The complicated repair of damage suffered due to shelling of the power system of Ukraine on November 23, 2022, has been completed.

Thus, the power system received an additional 1,000 MW of electricity. Currently, all nine power units of domestic nuclear power plants located in the Ukraine-controlled territory are in full power operation.

«I sincerely thank the nuclear engineers, repairmen and the entire team for this achievement and the quickly completed work on the restoration of the damaged infrastructure,» the President of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» Petro Kotin stressed.

Another six power units of the occupied ZNPP are shut down. Their start-up is blocked by the ruscists. The power plant continues to constantly consume about 100 MW for its in-house needs from the power system of Ukraine.

«I believe that it is not long to wait until the Zaporizhzhya NPP, the largest in Europe, will be freed from the barbaric ruscist occupation, and then we will be able to deliver the full nuclear power of Energoatom into the energy system for the needs of our citizens and the economy, as we always did in the winter. Until this happens, we hope and fully support the efforts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the entire progressive world community to release the ZNPP as soon as possible and restore the operation of all six power units,» Petro Kotin said.