The winners of the 16th competition of scientific reports among young employees of JSC “NNEGC “Energoatom" were selected

At the first stage, young specialists of Energoatom defended their reports in separate subdivisions. The final stage among the winners took place in separate subdivisions and the Company's Directorate on September 12 and 13, 2024.

Viacheslav Guba, Executive Director for Personnel of JSC “NNEGC “Energoatom” stressed the high level of papers, drawing attention to the fact that the difference between the participants of the competition and the winners was only a few points. In addition, Head of the Primary Trade Union Organization of the Company Serhii Snitkov, emphasized that young speakers offered high-quality, meaningful and perfect works every year.

On the first day, competitors defended their works related to the production direction. The following winners were chosen:

1st place - Polina Bezvershenko, engineer (SS “Atomprojectengineering”) with the report “Complex optimization of hydrogen production at a NPP with reactor of the VVER-1000 type using machine learning methods”;

2nd place - Ivan Chepurko, TC instructor (Rivne NPP), with the report “Application of the interactive testing system as a tool for improving the quality of the training process for nuclear power plant personnel;

3rd place - Mykyta Kuznetsov, desktop publisher (SS “Atomremontservise”) with the report “Using additive technologies and 3D printing with metals in nuclear power industry.”

During the second day, the winners who developed their papers in a social and trade union direction were determined. The winners are:

1st place - Kateryna Semko, psychologist (Rivne NPP) with the report “Soreness as a prerequisite for imperfect communication of NPP personnel”;

2nd place - Oleksandr Bianov, engineer (Khmelnytskyi NPP) with the report “Public speeches. Art of presentations”;

3rd place - Oleksii Mosiaev, engineer (South Ukraine NPP) with the report “Challenges and opportunities of involving student youth to work in the power industry of Ukraine: how to cope with the search for employees.”

For reference: The competition of scientific reports was launched with the aim of revealing the scientific and technical potential of young employees of Energoatom, increasing their general level of knowledge, promoting the exchange of opinions and the formation of new ideas, in particular, regarding ways to optimize the production process.