"The power unit with Westinghouse fuel is connected to the grid and, contrary to the claims of russian propaganda, it is operating" – Petro Kotin

On October 11, President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" Petro Kotin held a production meeting with the staff and management of the domestic nuclear power plant, where U.S. nuclear fuel was loaded into one of the power units in September.

The head of Energoatom thanked the nuclear power professionals for the early completion of the planned repair campaign and the successful loading of fuel manufactured by Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB involving Energoatom’s specialists into one of the VVER-440 power units.

"These are excellent results, and the most important thing is that the power unit is already connected to the grid and is running efficiently on Westinghouse fuel, no matter what russian propagandists write. Moreover, this fact demonstrates Ukraine's course to strengthen energy independence. Thank you for your work and for the fact that the power plant is fully prepared for the autumn-winter period," Petro Kotin highlighted.

Lastly, he awarded the employees of the plant with certificates of honor from the Company – "For performing job duties diligently, high professionalism, dedicated work and on the occasion of the successful completion of scheduled maintenance of power unit 2."

Furthermore, on the instructions of the Minister of Energy Herman Halushchenko, President of Energoatom awarded Director General of the nuclear power plant with the badge "Excellence in Nuclear Energy of Ukraine". The Ministry of Energy honored him with this award "For exemplary performance of job duties, high professionalism, conscientious long-term work and on the occasion of the successful implementation of the technology for the shipment of spent fuel using the Holtec International technology."