On January 11, 2023, an online meeting was held between the President of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» Petro Kotin and the Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the Czech utility group ČEZ Pavel Cyrani

During the meeting, they discussed the operation of Czech companies, in particular ČEZ, in the direction of the complete cessation of russian influence on the nuclear industry of the Czech Republic.

The partners mentioned the refusal of the Czech operator from russian nuclear fuel and the transition to an alternative supplier (as part of the international consortium led by Westinghouse for the Euratom project – APIS). The President of Energoatom recalled that in March 2022, the Ukrainian Company began the transitioning all domestic nuclear power plants to nuclear fuel manufactured by Westinghouse, expanding the supply of American nuclear fuel.

Furthermore, during the meeting, discussions were held related to further cooperation on joint projects at the expert level, taking into account the realities of wartime.

Lastly, the Czech side expressed its support for Ukraine and declared its readiness to help our country in the face of the russian federation armed aggression.

For reference: ČEZ Group is the owner and operating organization of all nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic (Dukovany NPP and Temelin NPP). SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» cooperates with ČEZ within the framework of membership in the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO).