Energoatom successfully completed repairs on two power units followed by increasing generation capacity by 1,220 MW

On February 10, 2023, one of the power units of the Ukrainian NPPs was put into operation after an intermediate scheduled preventive maintenance outage that lasted 38 days. Off-line refueling, intermediate repair of the reactor and turbine, overhaul of the generator, as well as repairs of steam generators, reactor coolant pumps and service water systems were carried out.

Currently, power unit capacity is being ramped up at a procedure-specified speed. Thus, for the time being, all nine units of nuclear power plants located in the state-controlled territory will operate in the energy system of Ukraine.

Furthermore, remedial maintenance of the turbine generator of the power unit, including rotor replacement, was carried out and on February 11, it was connected to the power grid, while the unit power was brought up to 100% of rated capacity.

«The domestic energy system will additionally receive 1,220 MW of electricity. In total, nuclear power plants in the Ukraine-controlled territory will generate about 7,700 MW of electricity in the coming days. In the conditions when the lights are turned off in Ukrainian homes due to the destruction of the energy infrastructure as a result of russian shelling, Energoatom will continue to do its best to ensure the fewest possible citizens experience power outages,» the President of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» Petro Kotin stressed.

As a reminder, all six power units of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya NPP are shut down, their start-up is blocked by the invaders. Currently, the ZNPP continues to constantly consume electricity for its in-house needs from the energy system of Ukraine.