Presidents of Energoatom and ConverDyn signed a memorandum of understanding in the field of uranium conversion

Within the framework of the World Nuclear Symposium 2023, which was held in London, President Petro Kotin and President of the US conversion company ConverDyn Malcolm Critchley signed a non-disclosure agreement and a memorandum of understanding in the field of uranium conversion.

Petro Kotin noted that for Ukraine, this cooperation is crucial, as it opens up an opportunity to provide additional services for the conversion of uranium and diversification of its supply.

In particular, future cooperation with ConverDyn includes assistance in increasing the in-house uranium production at Ukraine's Eastern Mining and Processing Plant and building a plant to convert the natural product mined in Ukraine into uranium hexafluoride, a process that is an integral part of creating a complete nuclear cycle in the country.

"After the Zaporizhzhya NPP de-occupation, this will provide an opportunity to order appropriate services for two to three batches of nuclear fuel," he said.

As a reminder, the first consultations on the establishment of cooperation took place as early as 2022. At that time, ConverDyn confirmed its interest in cooperation within the scope of providing conversion services.

For reference: ConverDyn is a general partnership between American multinational firms General Atomics and Honeywell that provides uranium hexafluoride (UF6) conversion and related services to utilities operating nuclear power plants in North America, Europe, and Asia. The company is the sole marketing agent of UF6 produced at the Honeywell Uranium Hexafluoride Processing Facility.