Energoatom is ready to continue close cooperation with US partners

On February 9, 2023, a meeting of the President of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» Petro Kotin and Vice President Hartmut Jacob with representatives of one of the largest American bank holdings, JP Morgan, took place at the Company.

The head of the American delegation, Vincent A La Padula, assured that JP Morgan is ready to help Energoatom in the short and long term and seeks to join the recovery of Ukrainian critical infrastructure.

The head of NNEGC thanked for the willingness to cooperate and support the Company and its projects during the war, and noted that Energoatom systematically and fruitfully cooperates with American partners.

Petro Kotin recalled the preparation for the construction of new AP1000 power units based on Westinghouse technology at the Khmelnytskyy NPP. He also spoke about cooperation with several companies regarding the development and implementation of small modular reactors in the territory of Ukraine.

"The Ukrainian infrastructure is ready for new projects to increase generation. Furthermore, after the de-occupation of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, we will be able to export electricity to Europe, which is also an investment attraction for partners and investors," Petro Kotin emphasized.

Lastly, the parties agreed on further cooperation and consultations regarding the implementation of joint projects.