Energoatom successfully completed the maintenance campaign 2024 at NPPs

On October 9, 11 days ahead of schedule, Energoatom took another power unit of one of the national NPPs out of scheduled maintenance. Its power is currently being ramped up. This year's maintenance campaign was of strategic importance, as nuclear power plants remain the major source of uninterrupted power supply in the country, providing more than half of all electricity generation in Ukraine.

Цьогорічна ремонтна кампанія мала стратегічне значення, оскільки атомні електростанції залишаються основним джерелом безперебійного електропостачання країни, забезпечуючи більше половини всього виробництва електроенергії в Україні.

“Thus, Energoatom's 9 power units operating in the territory controlled by Ukraine are ready to operate in the autumn and winter. All scheduled maintenance activities at the power units were completed ahead of schedule, including the key stage of reloading the power units with fresh nuclear fuel. Due to the prompt and professional work of our nuclear engineers, we will confidently go through the most challenging period for the country and provide light and heat to Ukraine and Ukrainians!” stressed Energoatom CEO Petro Kotin.

Scheduled maintenance was completed ahead of schedule, which is a significant achievement in ensuring a stable energy supply during the autumn-winter period. Petro Kotin expressed his gratitude to all employees of the nuclear power plants for their dedication and professionalism. This step is an essential part of the national preparation for the heating season.

Lets continue to hold the energy frontline!