Energoatom and Orano considered opportunity for collaboration

At the World Nuclear Symposium 2023 site, Energoatom’s President Petro Kotin discussed the prospects of cooperation between the companies in providing uranium enrichment services for Ukrainian NPPs with Orano Executive Committee Member, Senior Executive Vice President Customer & Strategy Jacques Peythieu.

The parties focused on the opportunity for collaboration and the volume of the necessary supply of natural uranium hexafluoride from 2028.

"Energoatom is greatly interested in such cooperation, because the Company completely refused to supply nuclear fuel and equipment of russian origin in the face of the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine," Petro Kotin said.

Orano and Energoatom are working on the possibility of providing grants from the French government or the European Union as support for the Ukrainian economy, and are discussing the cost of the French company's uranium conversion and enrichment services for Ukraine.