There are alternative replenishment sources for Zaporizhzhya NPP cooling pond – Petro Kotin

President of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» Petro Kotin told about this on the air of «Radio Svoboda», by commenting on the current situation after undermining of Kakhovka HPP.

«Despite the achievement of the design mark of the so-called "dead" level in Kakhovka reservoir – 13.3 m, when it is theoretically no longer possible to feed it from the pumps, it has currently been confirmed that the real conditions are less conservative than provided by the project», – Petro Kotin emphasized.

And he explained: now, as before, the operation of these pumps, if necessary, is quite possible and «will enable to provide replenishment even at the lowest levels of Kakhovka reservoir. Currently, the situation is under control: besides Kakhovka reservoir, there are several other replenishment sources for the cooling pond. These are mobile pumping units that can be deployed if necessary, and the last frontier is the use of underground drinking water wells.»

According to Energoatom CEO, there is currently no direct threat to ZNPP due to the breach of Kakhovka HPP dam. The major threat is that the ruscists are still at the power plant and can commit any other crime by their actions to significantly worsen the situation.

The only way to achieve complete safety of Zaporizhzhya NPP is to de-occupy, demilitarize and return it to the control of the legitimate operator – Energoatom.