Energoatom gears up for 2023-2024 heating season

The autumn-winter period became a real challenge for the Ukrainian state due to continuous shelling of critical infrastructure, local and nationwide blackouts, rolling power cuts, as well as constant repairs and replacement of damaged and destroyed equipment, in particular at nuclear power plants operating on state-controlled territory.

At the same time, due to the extremely prompt work of brave nuclear power professionals, Ukrainians were left with light and heat. Nuclear generation has provided about 55% (and on some days this figure even reached 65%) of the total electricity consumption in Ukraine.

And this was achieved despite the temporary occupation of the largest in Europe Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. Before the ZNPP was captured, it generated 40% of nuclear energy in Ukraine and more than a fifth of all the state's electricity needs.

Given that fact, in the winter period, each of the power units, excluding the ZNPP, operated at the maximum capacity possible at that time. Now is the time to reload the power units with fresh nuclear fuel and carry out scheduled repairs to ensure their efficient operation during the 2023-2024 autumn-winter period.

The appropriate schedule was drawn up by Energoatom experts and synchronized with the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and other generating companies in such a way that consumers would not feel the impact of the repair campaign.

The lack of electricity from the output of power units will be compensated by the start-up of thermal power plants and imports from abroad. Furthermore, during the warm season, the generation of renewable energy increases, and therefore the passage of the repair campaign, although extremely difficult, will run with minimal challenges for the power system and Ukrainians.