The construction of a manufacturing facility for SMR equipment in Ukraine will create thousands of new jobs

This was emphasized by President of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom" Petro Kotin, during a joint meeting with Vice President of the U.S. company Holtec International Riaz Awan.

Petro Kotin stressed that Energoatom plans to implement an important project for the construction of a plant in Ukraine, which will manufacture the essential equipment for small modular reactors using the Holtec SMR technology, including the reactor vessel.

This manufacturing facility should ensure not only the construction of about 3,000 MW of SMR capacity in Ukraine, but also become a hub for the export of this technology to other European countries.

"The introduction of advanced technologies and the construction of Holtec state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Ukraine will be of great importance for the post-war economic recovery of our country. This will create thousands of new jobs and significantly strengthen the competitiveness of the Ukrainian nuclear industry. We have a chance to become leaders in this field along with other global companies," Petro Kotin highlighted.

As a reminder, in April 2023, Energoatom and Holtec signed an agreement on the construction of a manufacturing facility for small modular reactors (SRM) components. According to it, it is planned to install up to 20 SMR reactors in Ukraine.