Vice President of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» Hartmut Jacob welcomed the decision on the Company’s corporatization, which was voted in favor by 259 people's deputies

Preparation for the corporatization of Energoatom, Hartmut Jacob emphasized, has been ongoing since 2013 and corresponded to Ukraine's international obligations. However, over the last two years, it significantly accelerated in this direction, which led to a positive result.

«The government prepared a draft law on the corporatization of the Company, while the people's deputies considered and approved it as quickly as possible. I am sincerely grateful to everyone who brought us closer to the goal!» the Vice President of NNEGC stated.

Hartmut Jaсob stressed that Energoatom’s corporatization would not affect the change of ownership: 100% of its shares will continue to belong to the state. At the same time, it will help enhance transparency and efficiency of management, attract investments and finance new projects, and increase the Company's capitalization, given the fair value of its assets will be established.

«Ukraine already has a successful experience of corporatization of state-owned enterprises, so Energoatom will not be a path breaker. At the same time, the Company is supported in this way by the G7 countries, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Monetary Fund. Thus, there is a lot of work ahead. I am sure we will overcome everything and win!» he said.