Generating capacity of Ukrainian energy system to increase due to new mobile gas turbine power plant

On February 7, 2023, a presentation of a mobile gas turbine power plant (mobile gas generator) took place. The equipment was provided by USAID as part of technical assistance to the energy sector of Ukraine, which is damaged due to regular terrorist attacks by the russian federation.

From the Ukrainian side, the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko and the President of SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» Petro Kotin were in attendance while the USA was represented by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Ukraine Bridget A. Brink and Deputy Administrator of USAID Isobel Coleman.

«This equipment from our American partners is much-needed for Ukraine. It will help increase the generating capacity of Ukraine's energy system by 25 MW, make it possible to quickly restore power to the nuclear power plants at least for in-house needs in case of blackouts due to missile or artillery attacks, and also provide critical infrastructure and the civilians with electricity and heating during this difficult winter. It is important that 25 MW is even more than the load following capacity of one 1,ooo MW nuclear power unit,» Energoatom CEO Petro Kotin said.

He explained that this is actually additional gas generation in Ukraine, which will significantly help the power system, but, unfortunately, will not completely solve the problem in case of a blackout. Thus, «there should be many more such systems, and the Company is already training a team that will be able to operate that equipment, if a decision is made on a larger number of mobile gas generators.»

According to the President of NNEGC, providing us with such equipment is a vivid example of USAID's assistance to the energy sector of Ukraine amid russia’s full-scale aggression.

Currently, this mobile power plant has been installed at one of the critical infrastructure facilities of Ukraine and will be put into operation and connected to the power grid in the near-term.

For reference:

The mobile gas turbine power plant, manufactured in the USA by General Electric, was transported to the territory of Ukraine by two flights from Yuma Airport (USA) to Rzeszów Airport (Poland), and from there it was transported to Ukraine. Transportation was arranged by SE «NNEGC «Energoatom».