Energoatom's big family celebrated the 20th anniversary of KhNPP unit 2

On the power unit commissioning anniversary, the KhNPP site recalled the touching moments of two decades ago, when Ukrainian nuclear power professionals connected the unit to the power grid.

The events were attended by Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko, CEO of JSC “NNEGC “Energoatom” Petro Kotin, Director General of Khmelnytskyi NPP Andriy Kozyura, heads of other Ukrainian nuclear power plants, namely Vyacheslav Stoyanov from SUNPP, Pavlo Kovtoniuk from RNPP, Dmytro Verbytskyi from ZNPP, as well as grand old men of the Ukrainian nuclear power industry who participated in the start-up operations.

Other honored guests included Serhiy Tyurin, Chairman of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Military Administration, and people's deputies of Ukraine Serhii Nahornyak and Anatolii Kostyukh.

In his welcoming speech, German Galushchenko emphasized that presently nuclear power plants generate over half of the country’s electricity – up to 60%.

"And this is even with the occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP! So, today is a great event: we are recalling the past, when Ukraine built two power units during the years of independence. Moreover, this past actually determines our future. Every day, our nuclear power professionals prove that they are ready to work selflessly to maintain the system in such challenging times for the country, to provide people with light and to ensure energy security for the entire country. We will definitely build new power units," stated Energy Minister German Galushchenko.

In his speech, the head of Energoatom Petro Kotin said that over 20 years of operation, KhNPP unit 2 has generated about 128 billion kWh of electricity.

"Owing to the professionalism of our nuclear workers, Khmelnytskyi NPP unit 2 has been providing the country with electricity for 20 years. Currently, we are using the experience of the builders who constructed this power unit, to complete power units 3 and 4. After adopting an important draft law by parliament, we will complete power unit 3 within three years because we have such experience. And then we will complete the Khmelnytskyi NPP units 4, 5 and 6," highlighted Petro Kotin.

In his turn, Andriy Kozyura, Director General of Khmelnytskyi NPP, noted that power unit 2 is an example of how Ukraine can complete and reliably operate power units, constantly improving their safety.

"We are ready to keep working on the construction of new power units at our plant site," he added.