Refusal of the ruscists to put the ZNPP power unit 5 into a «cold shutdown» state may lead to an accident and a large-scale release of radiation

Zaporizhzhya NPP power unit No. 5 was put into operation more than 34 years ago. Therefore, in order to maintain the safe operation of the units, timely and high-quality maintenance and repair of the equipment must be carried out, without which their operation becomes dangerous.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine, ZNPP power unit No. 5 has been operating at energy levels of capacity, and since September 2022, the occupying administration of the power plant has been maintaining its operation in a «hot shutdown» state. For more than a year, the invaders have deliberately violated a number of basic requirements for the operation of the power unit, including ignoring the maintenance schedule of safety systems, sabotaging the overhaul of the reactor compartment equipment and routine repairs of the thermomechanical and electrical equipment of the turbine compartment and control systems of the power unit.

Furthermore, the service life of a part of the equipment, which is subject to immediate replacement, has expired. In particular, more than 1,000 units of thermomechanical equipment and even more than 100 units of electrotechnical equipment.

The complex of these violations has serious consequences and increases the risk of system failure many times over, which can lead to an emergency. In this case, European countries may be affected by radiation.

In compliance with the decision of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine, SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» has repeatedly called for the transfer of ZNPP power unit No. 5 to a safer «cold shutdown». Last week, SNRIU sent a letter to the IAEA with an appeal to facilitate the prescription. Despite the involvement of international organizations in the process, all efforts did not achieve the goal. The occupying administration of the power plant continues to violate both international norms and standards, as well as regulatory documents and legislation of the nuclear industry of Ukraine.

As long as the invaders are at the ZNPP, the threat remains. In order to ensure the security of the entire continent, the largest nuclear facility in Europe must be de-occupied as soon as possible and returned to the legal operator!