One more Energoatom's VVER-1000 power unit brought back into operation after scheduled maintenance

On July 4, 2023, Energoatom’s power unit (with a capacity of 1,000 MW) was reconnected to the power grid. The capacity is being ramped up. The planned maintenance of the unit began on May 4 and was completed four days ahead of schedule. Thus, the unified power system of Ukraine was strengthened by 1000 MW of electricity.

As a reminder, in June, one of the VVER-1000 power units was already out of repair 20 days ahead of schedule.

Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko thanked the staff of Energoatom, saying: "Due to the professional and coordinated work of our nuclear workers, it was possible to repair and launch the unit ahead of schedule. This is a significant contribution to strengthening the stability of our power system and ensuring the energy balance. For every Ukrainian, this will mean the stability of power supply."

Energoatom President Petro Kotin highlighted the professionalism of the Company's nuclear workers, who brought back the power unit to operate in the shortest possible time.

"Energoatom specialists once again proved their high skill level, having done everything to ensure that the repair campaign was carried out as quickly as possible, and Ukrainians were stably supplied with electricity."

As a reminder, six VVER-1000 power units (with a total capacity of 6,000 MW) of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant are currently not in operation, all of them are in a shutdown state.