Regarding attempts to discredit Energoatom in the procurement for critical equipment protection

Before the start of the heating season, the number of negative materials against Energoatom, which have signs of custom, sharply increases in the information space, which is already traditional.

In an attempt to devalue the work of Ukrainian nuclear employees, there are unsubstantiated accusations of the apparently absent or weak protection of critical equipment from potential russian attacks, overpricing of such protection, etc.

Please note that information on the dimensions and technical characteristics of such objects are confidential so that the enemy cannot use that data for their own purposes. At the same time, we emphasize that any comparison of the protection of nuclear plants with the facilities of other Ukrainian energy companies (for example, Ukrenergo or Ukrhydroenergo) is completely inappropriate, taking into account different specific things: technical means, location of facilities, technical conditions for the protection itself, etc.

The issue of NPP protection is a highly specialized field, where qualified specialists with many years of experience work. The public cannot always correctly assess the technical aspects or understand the complexity of the measures taken for the NPP safety. An incomplete or distorted view of protection can cause false conclusions.

Instead of public discussion of the level of protection, it is necessary to rely on the competence and professionalism of the people responsible for plant safety. Ukrainian engineers and specialists in nuclear energy understand well the threats they face and work in close cooperation with international partners from the U.S., Great Britain, Germany, as well as the IAEA to maintain high safety standards.

The information attack on Energoatom by persons who do not have experience in the issues covered is only an evidence of a strong desire to throw mud at the people who hold the energy front today and provide our country with continuous power supply around the clock.

We remind you that owing to nuclear power generation, which currently accounts for 60% of the country’s total energy balance, there is light in the homes of all Ukrainians: all the household and industrial consumers receive electricity. For some reason, this fact is persistently ignored by those people who launched a media attack against NNEGC.

During the war, especially after the occupation of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, the safety of nuclear power plants have become one of the country’s most important tasks. However, what is important, Energoatom chooses the tactic of “silence” – minimizing public discussions of NPP protection. This is not only a part of the security strategy, but also a necessary measure to preserve the stable operation of the enterprise.

Why is silence a defense? The answer is simple: the enemy must not know any detail about the level of protection or plans of the enterprise. At a time when Ukraine demonstrates to the whole world its openness and democratic values, some aspects of the functioning of critical infrastructure remain out of discussion. This allows avoiding the leak of information that could be used for further attacks.

Moreover, we clearly understand that the tactic of “silence” during the construction of protective structures does not mean that there is a corruption component in the respective procurement. We control every procurement, all their components, and do not allow overpricing of the relevant goods.

We emphasize that the autumn-winter period will be difficult precisely because of the actions of the ruscists, who aim to plunge Ukrainians into cold and darkness. Energoatom is doing everything to frustrate the plans of the russians and help our country get through this winter with light and heat.

JSC “NNEGC “Energoatom” adheres to the principles of transparency and integrity in all processes, implements a policy of zero tolerance for corruption, and implements a large-scale anti-corruption program!