President and Chief Executive Officer of САМЕСО Tim Gitzel together with the team and Energoatom management visited Irpin and Bucha — the towns affected by the ruscist attack

Canadian partners witnessed firsthand the atrocities committed by the russian federation in the suburbs of the Ukrainian capital.

In particular, they saw the destroyed bridge over the Irpin River, over which during the first days and weeks of the full-fledged invasion of the russian federation, hundreds and thousands of Ukrainian civilians had to flee – in frost, under constant shelling, without communication... They also inspected the cemetery of the broken and burned cars and visited those places in Bucha, where the russian military shot the peaceful Ukrainian population.

The members of the CAMECO delegation were shocked by the ruscists’ brutality and noted that despite the ongoing war, Ukraine is quickly rebuilding social facilities so that the country's citizens can return to normal life. Moreover, they highlighted that Canada and CAMECO remain committed to supporting Ukraine.