Energoatom pitched the book "Guardians of the Light" consisting of stories of the Company's employees who defend Ukraine on the frontline

At the second anniversary of the russian occupation of Zaporizhzhia NPP, Energoatom published a collection of stories about the Company's employees changing their overalls for pixel military uniform, as well as volunteers helping the military defend the country from the aggressor.

The book "Guardians of the Light" contains 28 stories of Energoatom employees defending our country from the aggressor. "These are stories of heroism and self-sacrifice of our employees. They are defending our eastern and southern regions and are fighting to bring Zaporizhzhia NPP back under the control of Ukraine. It is in honor of our brave nuclear workers that we have published this book, which will go down in the history of our energy sector," said CEO of Energoatom Petro Kotin. Family members of NNEGC employees who are defending Ukraine received the first copies of the book "Guardians of the Light".