Address by the CEO of JSC “NNEGC “Energoatom” Petro Kotin to the staff of the ZNPP

Due to the aggression of the russian federation, Ukraine had to face unprecedented challenges and quickly respond to the threats posed by the russian invasion. The Ukrainian nuclear industry, which, unfortunately, was dependent on russia for a long time, was no exception. However, Energoatom launched the process of destroying the monopoly of the russian federation.

The Zaporizhzhia NPP has been under occupation for two years. For two continuous years, the enemy has been committing acts of nuclear terrorism there. Two years of pain and despair of our people – dedicated staff of the plant, who were protecting and preserving the largest nuclear facility in Europe from accidents, catastrophes and incompetent actions of the Russian military.

Many of you have been abused and tortured, locked up by ruscist FSB.

You have persevered, and you have not given up. You have refused to be cowed, be blackmailed and believe beautiful promises of russian inhuman. You have not betray the ZNPP and the Motherland. You are with us, you are with Ukraine. You are real heroes!

I am and we are all incredibly grateful to you!

The ZNPP and Energodar will definitely be back home, in Ukraine. We believe in our heroic Security and Defense Forces.

However, the world should not stand aside and calmly observe russia's nuclear terrorism. The only way to prevent a disaster is demilitarization and de-occupation of the ZNPP, restoration of Ukraine's full control there to ensure nuclear and radiation safety. It is not for nothing mentioned in the first point of the Peace Formula of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

I am convinced that this will definitely happen, and russia will be responsible for everything.

Glory to Ukraine!