Energoatom’s corporatization: moving from draft law to implementation

Preparations for Energoatom’s corporatization continued since as early as 2013, but it was during the last two years that the movement in this direction significantly accelerated, which led to a positive result.

October 19, 2022, when the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading the draft law on the transformation of the state-owned enterprise into a joint-stock company "NNEGC "Energoatom", 100 percent of the shares of which will be owned by the state, can be considered the start of the active process of the corporatization of SE "NNEGC "Energoatom". Almost four months later, people's deputies adopted the draft law in the second reading. And already at the end of February 2023, the parliament finally approved Energoatom’s corporatization and the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the corresponding Law.

This step complies with our country's international obligations to bring the management of state-owned enterprises in line with the best international standards. The law takes into account all the peculiarities of the nuclear industry of Ukraine during the transition to a modern model of corporate governance.

We stress that the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant remains a part of Energoatom. Its property is transferred to the statutory fund in the same way as the property of other separated subdivisions. The only difference will be that an independent assessment of the ZNPP property will be carried out only after the de-occupation of the power plant. It is also worth noting that all Zaporizhzhya NPP personnel, who did not betray Ukraine, will be provided with salaries regardless of work schedules.

According to the corporatization plan, approved by the government in late June 2023, the process actors should stage several activities. The most important of them are:

  • a full inventory of the company's property (has already been completed);
  • the selection of the valuer for conducting an independent appraisal of the property (has already been completed);
  • conducting an assessment, approving its results, preparing draft government decisions, etc. (the current stage of the process);
  • approval by the founder of the constitutional documents of the new company and other acts for the formation of its Supervisory Committee, state registration of the new legal entity. November of the current year should be significant in this regard;
  • formation of the Supervisory Committee and election of the executive body of the company (scheduled for December 2023 – March 2024).

Thus, currently, Energoatom’s President and the entire Company’s management keep working on corporatization, making every effort to ensure that this process runs under the deadlines set by the government. After completing all stages and the creation of a Supervisory Committee and a board in a joint-stock company, NNEGC will serve as the best example of corporatization in Ukraine.