Having provoked a staff shortage at the ZNPP, the ruscists are now hurryingly looking for personnel to work at the power plant

The russian invaders, who took hostage the largest in Europe Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant along with its staff, reached the point when there was just no one to work. Even recruitment by advertisement did not help, so now the invaders at the ZNPP have to hire former nuclear workers who have long since retired.

In an attempt to find skilled nuclear workers, the russian occupationists set a kind of anti-record by offering a job to an 80-year-old (!) pensioner.

As another way of «luring» personnel, invaders use the «career elevator». That is, they offer quite a promotion, for example, from cleaners to bosses. However, even this does not really help the russian nuclear terrorists.

Most significantly, due to understaffing, the occupationists cannot launch at least one ZNPP power unit, while the plant's equipment continues to degrade due to violations of operating modes, non-compliance with the temperature regime and shutdown of power units.

As for physical, nuclear and radiation safety of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, it still rests with the skilled Ukrainian nuclear professionals, who did not agree to cooperate with the enemy and refused to sign contracts with the fake JSC «Operating Organization of the Zaporizhzhya NPP».

Energoatom once again calls on nuclear workers not to sign any contracts with the enemy, so as not to become direct aids of the aggressor and destroy their future!

The Company also reminds: the brave Zaporizhzhya NPP personnel, who continue to remain loyal to Ukraine in the conditions of occupation, will receive all the promised payments, namely salaries, annual performance awards for 2022, as well as bonuses for Power Engineer’s Day.

Furthermore, all nuclear workers – patriots of the ZNPP will be paid additional bonuses in the amount of 50% of the official salary/tariff rate since January 1, 2023 (prior to that, from April 2022, it was set for 20%). The accrual and one-off payment of this additional monetary reward is expected immediately after the de-occupation of the town of Energodar and the complete liberation of the Zaporizhzhya NPP from the russian occupationists.