Ingenuity and quick wit: Energoatom employees received gifts for participating in the competition

Acting First Vice President – Chief Technical Officer, Acting Board member of JSC "NNEGC "Energoatom" Oleksandr Ostapovets presented memorable prizes to the winners of the Guardians of Light corporate newsletter contest. This time the question was: “What device loses one second every 10 million years?” Eleven contestants gave the correct answer.

Oleksandr Ostapovets thanked the nuclear power professionals who joined the competition for their activity and awareness of nuclear energy.

Energoatom CEO Petro Kotin congratulated the winners and thanked them for their regular participation in quizzes and competitions: “I really appreciate your knowledge and invite all members of the Energoatom family to actively participate in the monthly contests published on the pages of the Guardians of Light newsletter".