WANO Paris Center webinars for Ukrainian nuclear workers

The Paris Center of the World Association of Nuclear Operators hosts webinars for Ukrainian nuclear power professionals. On March 31, 2022, the WANO Board of Governors made the decision to transfer SE «NNEGC «Energoatom» and NPPs of Ukraine to the Paris Center.

On June 22, Khmelnytskyy NPP specialists got acquainted with the WANO subprogram "Exchange of operational experience". All WANO activities, including peer reviews, support missions, seminars, workshops, etc., are aimed at joint and continuous improvement of the nuclear industry. Close attention is paid to operational experience at every stage of the Association's activity.

The head of the operational experience group Bruno Palikutsa familiarized the participants with the structure of the operational experience department, group members from different parts of the world and their responsibilities for establishing further interaction with Ukrainian colleagues. The participants of the webinar were presented with the main programs and processes involved in the operation experience group, manuals and guidelines of the WANO as well as event reporting. B. Palikutsa noted that the operational experience database is a key source of information for nuclear power professionals, as it contains lessons learned from member organizations.

At the end of the webinar, the representative of Energoatom Maksym Nezhura summarized the differences in the previous experience of cooperation between the Company and NPPs of Ukraine with the WANO and outlined possible challenges. In confirmation of his words, Yevgeniy Nosykov noted that one of the activities in cooperation with WANO is the training of specialists with knowledge of English.